To make sure that you and your organisation can make the most out of PiPPi Platform we have gathered tutorials, webinars and step-by-step description for how you can get started with PiPPI Platform.

A curated selection of informative and educational videos can be found here. Content is continually updated and include presentations, tutorials and more. Watch and learn!
PIPPI has hosted a number of educational webinars all of which can be found here. They offer a variety of speakers and cover a variety of topics related to PIPPI. User guides, community of practice information, tips for procuring innovation are just a few of the resources covered here.

Online courses
What is innovation, and how do we procure it? With a host of online courses available you can find answers to these questions and more, including how PIPPI can help meet these needs in the healthcare environment.
PIPPI aims to establish a community of practice for those involved and interested in procuring innovative techniques and resources. To facilitate this end, documentation forms are provided to aid in the dissemination of findings and experiences. Tracking, organizing, and sharing our procurement experiences will help create a guiding network of community members.

Code of conduct
The PiPPi Community of Practice provides a platform for interaction where all stakeholders in healthcare should be able to voice and receive input on their unmet needs, as well as to share knowledge, experiences and novel ideas. We value respectfulness, openness to debate, constructive attitudes and a willingness to co-create.