About PiPPi

A collaborative platform for innovation in healthcare

Do you see challenges in healthcare that would benefit from innovative digital health and care services? We do. Therefore, we have created a community of practice where all stakeholder in healthcare can meet to share insights, learn and join forces to develop solutions.

Developing and implementing innovative solutions for healthcare transformation requires collaboration and co-creation. The PiPPi Community of Practice provides a way to find new partners and to interact.

The platform enables engagement of everybody with valuable experiences and expertise – organisations as well as individuals representing patients, hospitals and health professional, industry and researchers, payers and policy makers.

Together we can identify common unmet clinical needs and advance the development of new digital health and care services – and also prepare for procurement of innovation.

What is PiPPi?

PiPPi is a healthcare-focused interdisciplinary community

Why use PiPPi?

PiPPi provides a platform to voice and receive input on your unmet needs, as well as to share your knowledge, experiences and novel ideas
Founded by leading European university hospitals

The PiPPi Community of Practice was initiated by a consortium of seven European university hospitals and partners, coordinated by Karolinska University Hospital in Sweden.

A Patient and Citizen Advisory Group have supported the creation of the community of practice. The group consists of 11 people from 5 countries, representing 12 members organisations and network, connected with the medical society and innovation programs.

The foundation of the community of practice was laid by a project funded by Horizon2020, the European Union’s Horizon2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 826157.

A European collaboration to tackle innovation and procurement of new digital health and care services.