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The webinar was a resounding success, with a diverse group of attendees engaging in enlightening discussions on innovation in healthcare. Our esteemed speakers provided valuable expertise and offered practical solutions to the challenges faced by our industry. We received positive feedback from those who were able to participate and wanted to ensure you have an opportunity to access the content and stay informed.
Wednesday, 17th May 2023, 13:00-14:00h CEST
All times in CEST
13:00-13:05 Welcome [Rossana Alessandrello]
13:05-13:25 Keynote: Adoption of PiPPi in public policy to transform the health System [Speaker: Ramon Maspons]
- The Catalan example: how can PiPPi be used at different systems levels to effect change?
- What is the role of innovation procurement (in particular PCP/PPI) in advancing health care?
13:25-13:35 Case study: Rapid Detection and control system for Antimicrobial Resistance (RaDAR-PPI project) [Speaker: Olman Elizondo]
- The RaDAR-PPI example: what lessons can be learned from this project?
- How can the PiPPi Platform help innovation procurement projects produce optimal results?
13:35-13:45 Case study: Medicine Code [Speaker: Caterina Sampol]
- The Medicine Code example: what lessons can be learned from this project?
- How can the PiPPi Platform help innovation procurement projects produce optimal results?
13:45-13:55 Q&A with speakers
13:55-14:00 PiPPi Next Steps [Rossana Alessandrello]
14:00 End of the meeting

Rossana Alessandrello (Value Based Procurement Director of the Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya -AQuAS-)
besides that, Rossana is the coordinator of the Value Based Procurement Subcommittee of the Catalonian Department of Health Innovation and Transformation Commission, co-creator and Scientific Manager of iRaise, the very first Education Programme on high value care innovation adoption and semi-finalist of the European Innovation Procurement Leadership Award 2022 from the European Innovation Council, coordinator of its I3A (iRaise Institutional and Industry Innovation Alliance), co-creator of PiPPi, community of practice around public procurements of innovation aimed to improve health outcomes. She coordinated DECIPHER, the very first cross-border pre-commercial procurement in mHealth co-funded by the European Commission (EC) and, since then, she either coordinates or contributes to several EC co-funded pre-commercial procurements, public procurements of innovation and innovation actions, as RITMOCORE PPI that won the European Innovation Procurement Strategy Award 2022 from the European Innovation Council. She acted previously for DG CNECT and acts now for HADEA as innovation expert during the proposals evaluation and the actions monitoring. She is invited lecturer to different courses and masters including the Master of Advanced Public Procurement of the University of Barcelona. She is member of the VPH Institute Board of Director, the In Silico World Multi-stakeholder Advisory Board, the European DTx Policy Coalition Group and the EIT Health High Value Care (HVC) Educate Task Force.

Ramon Maspons (Chief Innovation Officer, AQuAS)
MSc in Engineering. Ramon has more than ten years’ experience in hospital and medical innovation and more than 15 years of experience in European projects. He has held positions as Strategic Planning Director of Granollers City Council for 6 years, as Director of IALE Tecnologia, a spin-off company of Polytechnical University of Catalonia (UPC) for 10 years. He was Assistant Lecturer of innovation and technology management at Business Administration Department, Polytechnical University of Catalonia (UPC) from 1993 to 1997; and since 1997 he is visiting researcher of technology monitoring and knowledge management at some Spanish universities. He has assisted and actively supports major public sector entities for the concrete implementation of innovation procurement strategies.

Olman Elizondo Cordero (Innovation project manager, AQuAS)
Olman is currently part of the coordination team of the RaDAR PPI, and responsible for the value-based permeability evaluation framework and the coordination of the execution phase of the procurement of innovation project. He is also involved in the Harmonics project, an EIT-Health project that aims to harmonise, and improve, the high-value care of stroke patients, taking into consideration the outcomes most meaningful to these patients. He was involved in the quality assessment of the Up-rAHISE, an education programme to upskill health care professionals in adoption of innovation. He was also involved in the hearings to improve this programme and the rebrand, which became iRaise. He designed both the iRaise logo and mapped its narrative. Olman also worked in the inception of communities of practice, both for the definition of the PiPPi framework design, and also in I3A, linking industry players with the education programme. As part of PiPPi he also played a role in the engagement strategy and stakeholder interaction plan and the exploitation plan, while forming part of the Innovation Unit of the Vall d’Hebron Universtiy Hospital, where he also participated in the Innovation Strategic Plan. He’s an evaluator of innovation projects for CIMTI and scientific health projects for Marató de TV3. Olman currently acts as innovation procurement evangelist.

Caterina Sampol (INNOVATION AND PUBLIC PROCUREMENT, Sant Pau University Hospital)
Mathematician with more than 30 years of professional career devoted to the improvement of public administration services, from various positions and visions: in Catalan Government Agencies, consultancy firms and service provider companies. For more than 10 years she has been focused on innovation for the healthcare sector at AQuAS, ACCIó and, since 2019, at Hospital de Sant Pau in Barcelona.
With a broad experience in Public Procurement of Innovation and Value-Based Healthcare models she has participated in Innovation projects either at European, Regional and Hospital Level. At European level, those co-funded by European Research and Innovation Programs stand out: in Pre -Commercial Procurement (PCP) TIQUE PCP, coordinated by Hospital de Sant Pau, CRANE, ROSIA, THALEA or DECIPHER; in Public Procurement of Innovation (PPI) STOP&GO and RITMOCORE. Caterina is also advisor for the Catalan Ministry of Economy in the Public Procurement Program instrument of the RIS3CAT. In addition, at hospital level, Sant Pau Hospital a Public Procurement of Innovation Program has been drawn up to create new procurement models where public-private collaboration is key.
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