We invite you to be part of this collaboration – for the sake of patients, healthcare providers, industry and our society.
The PiPPi Community of Practice
Welcome to address your healthcare challenges with us
PiPPi provides an open innovation environment, a multi-professional community of practice, for everybody with an interest in addressing healthcare challenges. By bringing a wide range of experts together, we can join forces to improve healthcare and create new digital health and care services.
Upload your unmet need – and find future partners
PiPPi can help connect community members for the purpose of broadening networks and aligning members across challenges, problems and opportunities of mutual interest. Once a member uploads an ongoing challenge, participating members can engage and offer their insights and knowledge in order to design and formulate new innovative functionalities.
Members will also have the opportunity to learn the best strategies in order to realize new solutions through collaboration around different steps of the path, such as innovation procurement.
Stakeholder categories
When you register to join the PiPPi Community of Practice, we will ask you to choose your own Stakeholder Category.

- Healthcare providers (procurers): It includes all healthcare providers that provides healthcare services to citizens/patients.
- Citizens and patient associations: It includes all citizens that can potentially receive medical treatment and their relatives.
- Payers: it includes the entities that pays or administers the payment of healthcare in the different countries and regions.
- Policy makers: Institutions and professionals that are responsible of creating new healthcare policies and recommendations at local, regional, national or pan European level.
- Industry: Professionals and companies including start-up, small, medium and large companies involved in technology development.
- Research and innovation community: it includes all types of institutions involved in basic, translational and applied research. It is an important cluster that includes basic and translational research, technological development and procurement expertise. It includes researchers, administration and innovation professionals.
- Enablers: A diverse cluster that includes several institutions or companies present in the healthcare ecosystem and important in procurement processes, e.g. agencies, consulting firms.
If your Stakeholder Category needs to be changed after registration, email your request with reasons to info@pippi-platform.eu, an Admin will assist you.