Webinar, Dec 9th | Non-invasive & non-intrusive multi-drug resistant organism detector: The journey from PCP to PPI

Welcome to a webinar on December 9th, with the aim to inspire by best practices of innovation and procurement. The example of the month is Non-invasive & non-intrusive multi-drug resistant organism detector: The journey from PCP to PPI.

Program, 11.00-12.00

  • Welcome by Peter Söderman, Innovation Manager, Karolinska University Hospital
  • Best practice: introduction to ANTI-SUPERBUGS PCP, by Ion Arrizabalaga, AQuAS – Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya
  • Future PPI, by María Sanchis, AQuAS
  • Contractor solution and experience: Sense4Care, by Raquel Obregon, Sense Solutions
  • Contractor solution and experience: Bugwatcher, by Joan Escudero and Ana Génova, Pulso
  • Q&As and round up by Peter Söderman
  • Closure

Registerby sending an email to office@h2020-pippi.eu

This webinar is the seventh in a series organized by the Platform for Innovation of Procurement and Procurement of Innovation (PiPPi). View all webinars on the PiPPi YouTube channel.







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