3- Connect and Learn

Unmet needs & opportunities
3- Stakeholder and enabler input
Opportunity monitoring; Stakeholder and enabler input

To gain further knowledge of the challenge and the current market situation, the need as described so far is discussed with stakeholders and enablers. After this step you will have a better understanding of the challenge and the current opportunities in the area.



  • Playing to win

Service Design Thinking (Discovery/Research Phase)

  • Interviews
  • Focus groups
  • Jobs-to-be-done insights

Service Design Thinking (Ideation Phase)

Co-creating workshops



  • Strategy charter

Service Design Thinking (Discovery/Research Phase)

  • Same tools described for step 2
  • Business model canvas
  • Interviews
  • Focus groups

Service Design Thinking (Discovery/Research Phase)

Six Thinking Hats

Attribute listing

5 Whys



  • Updated strategy description

Results from activities

  • Beneficiary and end user segmentation description
  • Refined personas description
  • Refined journey description
  • Refined system description
  • High level description of business model
  • Reviewed outcome indicators

Updated one pager

  • Summary of all findings YTD

Sign Off Clinicians & Manager for committing to next step

  • Beneficiary (end user) such as relevant clinicians, patient or patient representative
  • Relevant: technological industry and scientific expertise
  • Policymakers
  • Payers
  • Investors
  • Innovation leader/manager
  • Service designer
  • IT (Architect)
  • Informatics specialist
  • Legal support
  • Procurement support

*Please note: the full use of the PiPPi Unmet Need Journey and the associated templates is available for CoP members. Sign Up now for access.