Autor: Preston
Last Webinar: PiPPi Official Launch!
The 10th PiPPi-webinar marks the official launch of the PiPPi Community of Practice, initiated for all stakeholders in healthcare to identify and address ‘unmet needs’. We invite you to become a member of the CoP and collaborate on the PiPPi-platform. During this launch webinar we will make a start by addressing the challenge: Making sense…
How to get started – 3 steps into the PiPPi joint innovation platform
This webinar guides you in defining a common healthcare innovation challenge on the PiPPi platform, triggered by a European call for proposals. You will be introduced in the 99 Days Unmet Need Journey, driving the challenge towards a commonly defined plan through 3 phases. Program – Welcome, by Martina Ahlberg, coordinator of the PiPPi-project– Defining…
New PIPPI Webinar #7: A Journey from PCP to PPI