Autor: Erika Nydahl
Webinar, Dec 9th | Non-invasive & non-intrusive multi-drug resistant organism detector: The journey from PCP to PPI
Welcome to a webinar on December 9th, with the aim to inspire by best practices of innovation and procurement. The example of the month is Non-invasive & non-intrusive multi-drug resistant organism detector: The journey from PCP to PPI. Program, 11.00-12.00 Registerby sending an email to This webinar is the seventh in a series organized by…
Why healthcare providers need a community like this
David Konrad shares his views on how to address unmet needs in healthcare and the collaboration around those. He has experience of cross-boarder joint innovation and procurement in his role as Managing Director of Perioperative Medicine and Intensive Care at Karolinska University Hospital in Sweden. See video below, where David Konrad shares his experiences from…
Welcome to a new arena for joint innovation in healthcare – pre-launch of our collaborative platform
PiPPi provides an open innovation environment, a multi-professional community of practice, for all actors who are interested in solving the challenges of healthcare The initiative is led by seven European university hospital with the ambition to jointly address common challenges and facilitate collaborations between a variety of stakeholders – patients, industry, researchers, policy makers and…
Webinar | Pre-launch of the platform for the PiPPi Community of Practice
Thursday October 21st, you are invited to the pre-launch of a this new European arena for sharing insights and finding partners to drive innovation in healthcare, the PiPPi Community of Practice. You will be introduced to the digital platform that will accommodate the sharing of unmet needs and collaboration. The pre-launch and follow-up workshops offer…