What is PiPPi? 

PiPPi is a healthcare-focused interdisciplinary community. Check out our trailer video for a short introduction: We are PiPPi Community of Practice.

Why use PiPPi? 

PiPPi provides a platform to voice and receive input on your unmet needs, as well as to share your knowledge, experiences and novel ideas. Our PiPPi Voices video presents different stakeholder perspectives on the value of PiPPi and the benefits of joining the CoP.

What is the PiPPi Mission? 

Meeting unmet healthcare needs identified by multidisciplinary professionals and end users through procurement of innovation, or innovation procurement.

How can I see other challenge or idea submissions or submit one myself? 

Working collaboratively with Challenges and Ideas is available in the Share & Innovate component of the PiPPi platform and requires a membership. Please see the Sign Up page for more information.  

What does X specific term mean?

 Please see our glossary for all definitions of terms. 

How is the PiPPi platform different from the PiPPi project? 

The PiPPi project ran from December 2018 to May 2022 and was funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 826157. The PiPPi platform and CoP are the final results of the project’s work and exist now beyond the original project.

Who is the PiPPi consortium? 

Founded by seven leading European university hospitals and a public agency. 

The PiPPi Community of Practice was initiated by a consortium of seven leading European university hospitals and a public agency, coordinated by Karolinska University Hospital in Sweden. The community’s functionalities are based on the collective experience of best practices and the identified need to join forces with other key stakeholders to create the best healthcare possible for the patients of tomorrow. 

A Patient and Citizen Advisory Group supported the creation of the community of practice. The group consists of 11 people from 5 countries, representing 12 member organisations and network, connected with the medical society and innovation programs.

I have another question and/or feedback. 

Please fill out the Information Request form or the Feedback form and send it to office@h2020-pippi.eu.